Subpopular lips

A few years back, when Christopher Rowe and Gwenda Bond were starting up their question themed zine “Say…” they asked a bunch of writers to respond to the first issue’s question, “Was that a Kiss?” I wrote a story called “Lips” and it was the anchor story for the issue. The story is my homage to Shelley Jackson’s incredible collection The Melancholy of Anatomy, stories told from the point of view of various body parts or systems or products of the body. I have nowhere near the writing ability of Shelley Jackson, but I was so high on that collection when I first read. Soon after the high wore off, I became a little pouty that there had not been a story for lips in the collection, as lips are a favorite body part of mine. So I wrote that story instead. If you missed it in “Say…was that a kiss?” you can read it now on Steven Andrew’s (best viewed with Firefox instead of IE), a new website documenting the Youngstown arts scene. If you scroll down the page a bit, you’ll see “Lips” is the special feature right now. Check it out. I really like Steven Andrew’s aesthetic sense for website design as well, so click around in there and see what’s to be seen going on all here, twenty-four hours a day seven days a week in the good old Yo of Ohio.



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