More good news

lanternI found out yesterday my story, “In Between Dreams”, will be included in the Solaris Book of New Fantasy, which will appear in December 2007.  It’s another of the stories I wrote while in Japan.  It seems more of those will soon be appearing.  I’m beginning to get excited for others to read them.  I’ve kept them close to myself for a long time now, not sharing them with people that much, I think, because I wanted to keep everything I made in Japan, stories as well as memories, all to myself.  I’ve had a hard time this year figuring out how to hold on to that part of my life and how to let it go at the same time.  Balance and harmony is something I’ve become better at keeping because of Japan, but sometimes, for some reason, living here, it’s harder for me to keep that balance.  Maybe letting part of my Japan out into my America will help that.



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