Category: Awards

  • The Language of “The Language of Moths”

    I’ve been asked to write a short essay on “The Language of Moths” for the Nebula Awards, which has placed me in the awkward position of talking about one of my own stories, which I don’t usually do, or like to do, for various reasons.  This is my first stab at it, though.  *Revised with…

  • Final Nebula Ballot

    The final Nebula ballot for 2007 has been posted at SFWA.  Congratulations to everyone whose stories and books and scripts made it this far.  I myself am not holding out to win against the likes of that competition.  Seeing how it’s the Oscars time of year and all, I’ll risk saying I would be made ridiculously happy…

  • Oscars

    I watched the first few hours of the Oscars last night, and I’m not sure why everyone in the blogosphere has been so critical.  I thought Ellen Degeneres was pretty funny, I liked a lot of the montage sequences for some reason, the shadow people were fun pauses in the show and the sound effects choir…

  • Judges needed

    Judges are needed for storySouth’s 2007 Million Writers Award.  The award honors the best short stories published online in the previous year.  This is an award Richard Bowes, a noted speculative fiction writer, won last year with his story “There’s a Hole in the City”, which had been published in Scifiction.  Because the award considers stories…

  • 2007 Crawford Award Finalists

    The shortlist for this year’s Crawford Award, for best first book by a new fantasy writer, has been announced: Daniel Abraham, A Shadow in Summer Alan De Niro, Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead Keith Donohue, The Stolen Child Theodora Goss, In The Forest of Forgetting Scott Lynch, The Lies of Locke Lamora…