Category: Education

  • Caught in the middle

    Listen up, Midwesterners. This is all about your future.

  • More on Americans and reading

    Okay, one more entry before I head out for the weekend.  This one is a review by Laura Miller on a book called The Age of American Unreason, by Susan Jacoby.  It seems to be related to the ideas Ursula Le Guin addresses in her essay “Staying Awake” in the most current issue of Harpers. …

  • Are you up to it?

    If you haven’t read it, go out now and purchase the new issue of Harpers magazine. Ursula K. Le Guin has the most perspicacious (not to mention a bit angry) essay on the state of reading, and the book, and the social bonding capacity of books, and their capacity to house cultural information and memory,…

  • Telling Lies to the Young Is Wrong

    I came across this poem in the comments section of Justine Larbalestier’s blog, posted there by Chris McClaren, and had to steal it to post over here as well.  It’s just too good, and sums up my feelings in recent years about how we should teach our children and ourselves to look at the world.…

  • Advice we should take now, too

    Gwyneth Jones is so smart: Much of the science-fiction establishment hated the cyberpunks. Science fiction was supposed to be about progress, and how advances in technology will inevitably create a better world. But they were right, and the truth they told is highly relevant to this new century of sci-fi come true. If a child…

  • Is this the singularity?

    I love interesting statistics like the one in this video from Youtube, which as been making the rounds among blogs and sites concerned with economic development lately.  I feel like I should be watching Braveheart or something when I watch it, but you’ll get the point.  We’re, uh…a little behind, I think.  The world’s moving faster…

  • Standing up

    I love this kid.  Let us have more people with his courage. Let us have less people like the censoring, word-phobic, body-phobic school librarians mentioned in this article. The ones that haven’t been quoted out of context, that is. (Thanks, Gwenda). 😉 And read Scott Westerfeld’s response to it as well.