Category: Environment

  • Wick Park Revitalization Project

    Please join Defend Youngstown and Youngstown CityScape with the professional services of The Urban Design Center of Northeast Ohio in our initial meeting for Community-wide input in the WICK PARK REVITALIZATION PROJECT. What: Share sense of history of Wick Park, information about the current conditions, restrictions on its use; discuss community goals and intended outcome…

  • Extinction

    It’s this sort of news that always makes me really sad.  Is it just me?  I don’t know.  I don’t really hear people talk about the loss of a species ever.  For some reason it’s always been something that hits me in the gut.

  • Inconvenient things

    If Al Gore would decide to run for president again, I think my vote would be decided easily.  According to this Times article, he says has no intention to run, despite a group of his former supporters campaigning to bring him out.  Gore lost his first campaign for president for lots of reasons (even before…

  • Stupid dies as stupid does

    No matter what rights there may be to do something like this, I can’t help but intuitively feel it’s criminal, what the AEI (American Enterprise Institute) has done:  offered money to scientists to undermine the U.N.’s assessment that global climate change is in a radical, dangerous state, mostly due to the human activity called industry,…