Category: Ethics

  • Telling Lies to the Young Is Wrong

    I came across this poem in the comments section of Justine Larbalestier’s blog, posted there by Chris McClaren, and had to steal it to post over here as well.  It’s just too good, and sums up my feelings in recent years about how we should teach our children and ourselves to look at the world.…

  • Extinction

    It’s this sort of news that always makes me really sad.  Is it just me?  I don’t know.  I don’t really hear people talk about the loss of a species ever.  For some reason it’s always been something that hits me in the gut.

  • Talk about something coming back to haunt

    Reading this story from the New York Times about the woman who resigned from her dean of admissions post at M.I.T. after it was leaked by someone she never received a Bachelor’s Degree oh, about thirty years ago, which is required for her job, and which she seemed to have lied about having years ago,…