Category: Literature

  • Writing thoughts and questions

    Do you have any thoughts on why writers can’t tell if their own writing is any good or not? I mean, I think there are probably some writers who do know (or believe) that their writing is good, and there are probably some writers who do know (or believe without any trouble) that their writing…

  • Females, the Fantastic and Tin House

    Hey all you gals working in the tradition of the fantastic with your writing, check out the guidelines for the Fall issue of Tin House.  Give it a chance.  Send them a story, poem or an article of some sort.   UPCOMING ISSUES: We will read until May 31, 2007 (postmark date) for the Fall…

  • Want to go to the Nebula Awards? has joined up with the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America to offer a chance for readers to win two tickets to the Nebula Awards Banquet in New York City this May 11th through the 13th.  No travel is provided, but a two-night stay at the Marriot is included, so if you live in the…

  • Crawford Award

    Congratulations to M. Rickert, whose first collection Map of Dreams is this year’s winner of the Crawford Award!  The Crawford Award is given to a fantasy novelist whose first fantasy book was published during the preceding 18 months. It’s one of several awards presented by the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, and is…

  • Ytown on Stage

    Last night at the Stage was just the most wonderful experience.  There were so many people there, so much talent and creativity and expression, and so much of it just really really good.  My friend Brooke does the most amazing things for this city and I sometimes wonder if enough people actually understand it.  I…

  • I’ll be there.

    Stop by and have some fun this Friday at The Stage at the Oakland Center for the Arts. I’ll be reading a short short story called “The Flood” (which is being published in Foundation’s 100th issue this August), and there’ll be comedians, dramatic monologues, crazy improvised hallucinogenic music-video imitations, tap dancing, independent film trailer releases, poetry,…

  • The Language of “The Language of Moths”

    I’ve been asked to write a short essay on “The Language of Moths” for the Nebula Awards, which has placed me in the awkward position of talking about one of my own stories, which I don’t usually do, or like to do, for various reasons.  This is my first stab at it, though.  *Revised with…

  • Interfictions

    I’ve certainly been writing a lot about anthologies that are out or that are coming out in the near future recently, and here’s another one, Interfictions, due out next month from Small Beer Press.  It has a gorgeous cover, and the editors, Delia Sherman and Theodora Goss, have gone above and beyond and around and…

  • Best American Fantasy

    Another anthology of the “Year’s Best Fantasy” you may be asking?  Yes, but, if we can judge by the contents of the recommended reading list for the Best American Fantasy, which has gone live recently, it’s probably not like any of the current anthologies that present themselves as Year’s Bests.  My story, “The Creation of Birds”, which appeared…

  • Final Nebula Ballot

    The final Nebula ballot for 2007 has been posted at SFWA.  Congratulations to everyone whose stories and books and scripts made it this far.  I myself am not holding out to win against the likes of that competition.  Seeing how it’s the Oscars time of year and all, I’ll risk saying I would be made ridiculously happy…