Category: Memes
What are you reading?
I have been tagged by Dave for this meme: I. You have to look up page 123 in the nearest book around you. II. Look for the fifth sentence. III. Then post the three sentences that follow that fifth sentence on page 123. IV. And then tag five people, just like you were tagged. But…
Smart-asses, welcome
Jenn Reese has an interesting and fun entry in her journal today that revolves around playing a certain kind of game. Here’s how it works at Jenn’s place: Post something positive about a presidential candidate for whom you *do not* intend to vote. -Giving credit to Clinton for being female or Obama for being black…
A blurb from Will
O excellent! I love Barzak better than figs. Which work of Shakespeare was the original quote from?
I feel like dancing
An interesting meditation from Andrew Sullivan on that optical illusion of the dancer. Read and enjoy.
Which way do you spin?
I just did this right brain/left brain test and am so weirded out. It’s a test to see which hemisphere of the brain you use more. Initially I saw the image of the dancer going clockwise, the right brain way of seeing it. And I watched it and watched it and couldn’t see it the…
Career Meme
This test was funny. It actually captures a lot of my interests, even if some of them aren’t exactly what I’d want to do as careers. The careers I’ve dabbled in or something related to are bolded. 1. Go to 2. Put in Username: nycareers, Password: landmark. 3. Take their “Career Matchmaker” questions. 4.…
My daemon
I think WordPress won’t allow me to embed the visual results for my Golden Compass daemon quiz results for some reason, so instead, you can find my results here, if you like these sorts of things. Actually, the site will ask you to rate the results of my quiz, and if people perceive me differently…
In an e-mail I just wrote to a friend, I describe a story/project thing that I’m working on at the moment, and how it’s challenging me in all sorts of different ways on how I need to structure its narrative and form. At the end of my description of this somewhat multi-media story I’m creating,…
A fun test
Not totally accurate on all counts, but fun nonetheless. What does your drawing say about YOU? The results of your analysis: You tend to pursue many different activities simultaneously. When misfortune does happen, it doesn’t actually dishearten you all that much. You are a thoughtful and cautious person. You like to think about your method,…
Work in progress meme
Via Ms. Bond, a work in progress meme: Turn to page 123 in your work-in-progress. (If you haven’t gotten to page 123 yet, then turn to page 23. If you haven’t gotten there yet, then get busy and write page 23.) Count down four sentences and then instead of just the fifth sentence, give us…