Category: Publishing
Are you up to it?
If you haven’t read it, go out now and purchase the new issue of Harpers magazine. Ursula K. Le Guin has the most perspicacious (not to mention a bit angry) essay on the state of reading, and the book, and the social bonding capacity of books, and their capacity to house cultural information and memory,…
Why so long
Sometimes people ask me why it takes so long for a book to come out after it’s been turned in. This article in the NYT today is a pretty decent answer.
New Things from Last Year
Three “big” good things from my last year to be thankful for are: Of course, my new house, of which I’ve posted more than enough pictures, but as rooms get remodeled, I will continue to post more. Here’s the guest bedroom’s new look. And of course this little light of mine came out in 2007.…
The Love We Share Without Knowing
I mentioned in a post the other day that I had more good news to share, and today it was announced. My second novel will be coming out from Bantam Dell again. Very excited, and very very happy that I’m working once again with Juliet Ulman, the editor who worked with me on One for…
From Ohio to Italy
Good news came yesterday. One for Sorrow is going to be translated and published in Italy by Elliot Edizioni! I’ve always wanted to visit Italy (Europe in general, but definitely Italy is at the top–Venice, what’s more magical than a city where the streets are made of water?). My book is going to make it…
You know, I knew Matt Cheney had declared there would be a Barzak World Domination Day, and that he had contacted some people to blog with him about it. But I spent most of this afternoon between class and gym and class and tv interview seeing that list of links on Mr. Cheney’s Mumpsimus grow…
All about me…
Over at The Swivet there’s a reallllllly long interview with me, and is also giving away copies of One for Sorrow if you answer one question for Colleen in the comments. Hey, free books, what’s not to love? And the so-called Barzak World Domination Day has begun, thanks to the evil machinations of one Matt…
Twas the night before…
Just off to bed. Tomorrow the book releases. My car broke down. But tomorrow my book releases. So all is really really good. Off it goes into the world. Although apparently it’s already arrived at Japan’s doorsteps, according my Japanese mom Fusako, and in London bookshops, according to my friend Graham. Really, I’m still somehow…
Realms of Fantasy
Doug Cohen, slush reader for Realms of Fantasy, is having an ongoing discussion over a series of posts on his livejournal about the status of speculative short fiction magazines, focusing on the one he knows best, the one he works at, which has led from a post about the slow death of short fiction venues…
Days go by
Ugh, this is sort of agonizing, waiting waiting waiting for my book to come out. For months, even after all the work with Bantam was done for putting it together, it was this distant thing in my mind. But now its presence just keeps looming nearer and nearer. Rick Bowes told me that every writer…