Category: Video

  • Totally excellent

    I came across this video via the blog “I Will Shout Youngstown” this afternoon, and thought it was really representative of the spirit that’s been taking over Youngstown in the past couple of years, and that community spirit seems to be growing more and more over time now. To be completely honest, it feels strange…

  • I love crazy things

    [youtube=] A wonderfully ridiculously subtitled old Indian video (I hope it’s old). The subtitles aren’t a translation, but what the listener thinks the lyrics sound like to an English speaker’s ear. I laughed a lot. Hope you do too. (Thanks to Jason Lundberg for the link).

  • For Scott Westerfeld

    Reading on Scott Westerfeld’s wife’s Justine Larbelestier’s blog that poor Scott has been deemed “not pretty at all” in a journalistic attempt to play on the titles of his YA Uglies series, I feel compelled to remind all of us of the serious nature of beauty evaluation, and how damaging it can be. Allow me…

  • Echoes

    [youtube=] I found this video on YouTube tonight. It’s made by a young woman named Megan in a nearby city. She read One for Sorrow and has taken photos as well as quotes from the book and set them to music by The Bravery. The song totally rocks. Megan says in the beginning of the…