Electrum Novellas=Way Coolness

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Velocity Press Announces New Electrum Novella Series

Fans of the acclaimed Rabid Transit anthology series will be excited to hear that, here at Velocity Press, we’re evolving for your reading pleasure. Our purpose has always been to bring interesting and hard to classify fiction into print, work that might not otherwise be seen. Lately, we’re noticing a increase in short story markets, both in print and online, and have decided to move our focus away from shorter work. When we look at commercial magazines, literary journals, online magazines and the proliferation of ‘zines, we see a shortage of homes for novellas. With that in mind, we will be focusing on bringing a new, standalone novella to light each year, with the same level of top-flight, perfect-bound design and writing quality, under the new series line of Electrum Novellas.

Our guidelines for novellas don’t differ in any remarkable way from what we were looking for Rabid Transit. We want to publish novellas that push the boundaries of the form, novellas that question what the form can do in contrast to the short story and novel. We want novellas that forge something new out of disparate materials, like electrum itself, making something stronger and shinier than was there before. We want novellas that, in essence, rock and roll. Submission should be 17,500 to 40,000 words in length and sent electronically in standard submission format as a .rtf or .doc file to electrumeditorsATgmail.com.

Please only submit one novella a year. Expect to hear from us within three months on your submission. After that, feel free to inquire as to its status. Payment will be $150 dollars and ten contributor’s copies with the option to purchase more copies at reduced rates.

We hope new writers and past contributors to the Rabid Transit series will consider submitting their work to the Electrum series.



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