Hey all you gals working in the tradition of the fantastic with your writing, check out the guidelines for the Fall issue of Tin House. Give it a chance. Send them a story, poem or an article of some sort.
We will read until May 31, 2007 (postmark date) for the Fall “Fantastic Women” issue AND the open Winter Issue. Fantastic Women–an issue celebrating the women writers working with an emphasis on the fantastical– has a very limited number of slots open for poetry, fiction, and Lost and Found essays. Winter is open to any and all themes and ideas.
Please submit one story or essay (10,000 word limit), or up to five poems at a time, to Tin House, PO Box 10500, Portland, OR 97210. Enclose an SASE (or IRC for international submissions) or we cannot guarantee a response to or the return of your work. We respond within three months. Wait to hear back from us before sending more work. Please do not fax or e-mail your submission. We accept simultaneous submissions, but inform us immediately if your work is accepted for publication elsewhere. Our reading period for unsolicited work is September 1 through May 31 (postmark dates). Any unsolicited submissions received outside this period will be returned unread.