For the past week I’ve been doing a revision to a story I recently wrote, which I’ve spent hours each day working on, so I’ve not been spending much time blogging, and it feels odd actually. In the fall, winter and spring I was always blogging and had some thought I wanted to put into the ether of the internet, but as soon as summer came I looked outside the window and have wanted to be outside in the sun ever since. Luckily I can go to Cedar’s, the cafe I blogged about previously, and sit on their patio surrounded by vines and flowers and downtown buildings and still work on my writing while soaking up the light. Which is a huge thing for me. I do much better in the summer. I think my body craves light. I’m good through the fall but usually after a month of winter I have a harder time waking up and keeping up with life and have to rely on a disciplined workout routine and diet to keep me going through the gray months. I become more introspective, which I can see from my blog posts in the winter, too. But in the summer, though I’m still a bit of an introvert always, I become much more extroverted. What sort of plant would I be? Definitely not a night-bloomer. I don’t know much about plants though. Where are the memes entitled “What Kind of Plant Are You?” when you want to actually take one?
All this to say, things here are good, though there’s not much blogging happening. I’m working on that story I mentioned, getting ready to go back and finish the second half of my third novel, also building a website for a certain author which we will reveal in the near future, and planning the book launch party with my friend Brooke for One for Sorrow.
Now I’m off to get more light. I wish I could store some up for winter.