Okay, I laughed

Hillary Clinton was in Youngstown yesterday, speaking to workers at a nearby GM plant.  One reason why I always love to read local and regional blogs during political periods is to see what the politicians face from the locals, who are not all that impressed and loverly with politicians due to trust issues we have in our history of corruption here.  Here is my laugh for the day, from the My Friend Cleveland Blog:

Hillary Clinton is in Ohio. Yesterday she stopped by the General Motors plant where she held up a pair of boxing gloves to indicate that a fighter was needed in the White House. This was an interesting and useful tactic until Gus Johnson, a 15-year vet of the GM plant, offered to box Clinton so she could prove her fighter status. Needless to say Clinton will probably be sticking with the whole “pen is the mightier than the sword” thing now. Clinton is supposed to be at a Cleveland-area high school today, of course we don’t know which one because Fox hasn’t learned about the 5 Ws and H yet. Also, Chelsea Clinton and Michelle Obama are currently in Ohio, but neither has offered to fight anyone yet either. Watch out for that left hook.



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