No matter what rights there may be to do something like this, I can’t help but intuitively feel it’s criminal, what the AEI (American Enterprise Institute) has done: offered money to scientists to undermine the U.N.’s assessment that global climate change is in a radical, dangerous state, mostly due to the human activity called industry, at which point we must have the common sense as a species to begin changing our behavior and actions in the world if we’re to save the habitat we live in–essentially, the world. We need real superheroes right now, but unfortunately the evil-doers have woven themselves so far into the fabric of society as “normal” and “good” that many ordinary people who might be superheroes and don’t realize it can’t even recognize who the bad guys are.
The AEI is a think tank with more than extremely close ties to the Bush Administration and powered by funds from Exxon-Mobil, which–oh my! look!–had a record-breaking year for profits this year. Must be from all those tax breaks with which the Bush way of running government has provided them.
We need a government that will fund a campaign to save our environment, not war.