What are you reading?

I have been tagged by Dave for this meme:

I. You have to look up page 123 in the nearest book around you.
II. Look for the fifth sentence.
III. Then post the three sentences that follow that fifth sentence on page 123.
IV. And then tag five people, just like you were tagged.

But since I’m finishing revising a book instead of reading a book (which would be the nearest if I were), my sentences come from my next novel, The Love We Share Without Knowing.  The lines are from manuscript pages, of course.  Who knows what will be on page 123 of the book format itself.

The thing is there’s not much to me.  I’m a simple guy.  I’m simple that way on purpose.  There was a time when I thought there was more to the world, that it was good to dream and want things.  

As for tagging five people, I hate to select, and am on my way out to an appointment, so consider yourself tagged.  Looking forward to reading others, because I love this particular meme, and the way it emphasize a small pool of words that sometimes get lost in a whole.



